Sunday, 10 February 2008

More From ABAG

Today we received this email

Today we received this email – it’s from one of our based TC friends. They have kindly translated some of the article in the Afrika Gazetesi – The language is colourful to say the least.

Thank you for coming all that way to London, I will be with you until your problem resolves. We wanted publicity and I think we have achieved. Afrika Newspaper is printed in Cyprus daily and I believe four London Turkish newspapers will write our story on Thursday and Friday. Genc TV will show on Saturday at 20.30 and Prime Minister SOYER will be at the studio live again.

The Afrika has written your story very well. I will try to translate in summary.

"Innocent English people robbed in TRNC. They believed in TRNC. But TRNC and their friends robbed these Innocent people. Because TRNC is a s**t. Yes it is s**t Government and s**t state. You do not expect anything better from a s**t. Three of them lost 150 K. If Mr Avci did not come here and waste money, it would meet half of the lost monies (75K) already.

The TRNC stole the land from Greeks and now stealing money from innocent people by selling it 3 or even 4 times. I, Sehat am ashamed myself because I am Turkish Cypriot. But in reality you are the ones who should be ashamed and pay these people their moneys back."

Well done The AFRIKA. I have rang and sent email to the writer SERHAT INCIRLI thanking him. I will let you know when other Turkish papers write the story.

Well we expected one or two reports, but this one came as quite a shock !

There was some good news today from an AGA buyer. Apparently a lot of work has been carried out at Amaranta Valley. Not sure about HzOmer?? – work was supposed to start there this week. We don’t know if the work at Amaranta includes drains, electric, water, sewerage etc etc. It’s one thing having your house, but one with utilities would be even better.

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05 February
In between the day job,

In between the day job, have spent a large part of today chatting to people in Cyprus by email and over the phone. What’s coming through is that ordinary people (Turkish Cypriot and British) are sickened by what’s happened to the victims caught up in the AGA crisis. They’ve said they don’t want these problems in Cyprus anymore because it’s giving the place a bad name, and what future will the next generation have???

We can’t put it right though, can we? All we can do is highlight the problems and then it’s down to the TRNC Authorities to intervene and come up with a solution.

I hope they listen before it is too late. I had a great conversation with a female media Exec based in N Cyprus who wants to look at ideas for programmes based around the scams and other topics. We’ll be meeting her when she’s next in the UK.

Have a lovely evening everyone.

Sandra x.x

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amazing amount of correspondence

We are now receiving an amazing amount of correspondence and support from across the world.

So back to Friday, after Sandra’s talks with Mr Avci, Pat, Greg and I then went inside to have a 2 hour meeting with Serap Destegul – the TRNC London Representative, which at times became very emotional. ABAG will write more about the details of what went on within the meeting in a later blog, when the three of us have got together and written something between us.!

But the day ended in the “pub” with our TC friends and after a nice meal in China Town we finally arrived home at about 9pm. Now we had to go back to London on the Saturday in order for us to attend the charity dinner at Pagagenos Restuarant in Covent Garden.

We met up outside with Ahmet, Mahmood and after being seated we were joined by Mustapha, Fatima and a friend of theirs. We had a great time “networking” and as everyone that attended the charity dinner was Turkish Cypriot they were very interested as to who the Brits were ! The meal was lovely and they even had efes, but much to my

daughter Abbie’s disgust no Yedigun (TC Fizzy orange)

Once again we were filmed by the TV and chatted to by the presenter along with a number of TC and London TC journalists. We have been assured that our stories will be features in many papers including “"Toplum Postasi"

Anyhow back to us – there has now been a “bond issued” for those who wish a refund. We personally will still not sign our contract away nor remove our injunction ( We have asked Serap Destegul to get a copy of our injunction for us from Akan Gurkan – our lawyer who had the injuction put on the property in October 2005). Below is the “BOND” that those who want a refund are supposed to sign – would you ???????

AGA Development LTD.
26.A §ht. Ihsan Giiven Sok.
Mersin 10 Turkey
Tel: (90) 392 228 86 26
Fax: (90) 392 228 86 46


I, the undersigned Gary John Robb, personally and also for and behalf of AGA
Development Ltd. (herein after jointly referred to as the "Debtors"), hereby agree and
undertake to :

1. Pay ............................. .-GBPto ................................................. or to his/her order.

2. Payment shall be made within 14 days from the date of the final payment received
from the sale of the property ........................ .
3. Not withstanding the above, payment shall be made in full within 24 months from
the date of this bond, whereby the loan shall be paid by 12 equal installments
starting on the first day of 13 months, with 10 days grace, from the date of this

4. Should any of the 3 installments not be paid consecutively, all the loan shall stand
to be payable.

5. This bond shall carry an interest of 3 per annum accrued from the date of this

6. Should this bond be placed for collection, then all legal costs shall be borne by the

7. This bond shall be immediately due and payable on default, incapacity, death,
bankruptcy or liquidation of the Debtors.
Signed by the Debtors:
Gary John Robb AGA Development Ltd.

1. .......


By our own capital, making foreign peoples' lives easier.
Registered Number 08158 (Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus)

We have shown this to our friendly UK barrister who “guffawed” !!


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quotes from Gary Robb

Thanks to an Amaranta/AGA victim for providing this blog:,,2251995,00.html#article_continue

Some Interesting quotes from Gary Robb made to the Guardian and in complete contradiction with the quotes made to Cyprus Today which was published at the weekend - below in bold is an extract from the Guardian,,2251995,00.html#article_continue

For years Northern Cyprus has had a reputation as a haven for ex-pat villains. But the local authorities and the island's British ex-pats are adamant that the image is exaggerated and say that if Lupton or the loot had been on Cyprus's northern coast they would know.
One man perhaps uniquely qualified to talk is Gary Robb, a former nightclub owner who skipped bail 10 years ago on drugs conspiracy charges and who is the subject of an Interpol red alert over a property deal.
"I came here because I knew I wouldn't get a fair trial in Britain," said Robb, 45, over a coffee in the bar of the Mercure hotel. "I explained to the government here that I wasn't guilty. It's a fantastic place to live. There's no violence and the police here are very respectful, nothing like the police in England. I've got young children and they love it here. It's very safe and you can literally leave your door open."
Robb, who numbers a couple of retired British policemen among his friends on the island, said he had seen other fugitives come and go...
While his brother James, accused alongside him, went down for 12 years, Gary skipped bail and fled to Northern Cyprus, fearing he was about to get "fitted up" by Cleveland Police. Mr Robb, who has also faced charges of GBH and ABH over the years - an occupational hazard, he insists, of the licensed trade in the North East - has remained in Northern Cyprus ever since. He is now one of its main developers, and says he feels not the slightest bit bothered about never seeing England again.
"Cleveland Police have a warrant out, but there is no way they can get me back," he says, reclining behind the desk in his backstreet offices in the Turkish-controlled side of Nicosia, the border-straddling capital where a UN-guarded "Green Line" still separates north and south. "The authorities here say I have done nothing wrong, and I've got no interest in going back. All my family is here now, and this is my home."

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04 February
Today I want to concentrate

Hi Everyone,

Today I want to concentrate on Mr Akan Gurkan and Mr & Mrs Unwin:-

First Mr Akan Gurkan,

For Goodness sake for the first time in your life try to be honest, and give Mr & Mr Kocinski back the money you have stolen from them, I won't go into detail, but Mr Gurkan if I have to I will, just return their money, every penny you owe them, stop trying to pretend your something your not?????

Mr & Mrs Unwin,

You owe me £690.00. but I now believe you owe me a lot more, you have claimed commission and I believe received this commission from Aga Construction for the Sale of my property Plot 1B at Amaranta Valley, you owe me this money not Gary Robb, so I will deduct this amount from what Aga/Gary Robb owes me, and put it onto your account as to what you owe me, I will say once again stop trying to pretend your something your not????

The Den of Thieves Thickens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Email received today.......

Today we received the following.......we have sent Mike Mendoza the "Blog-Link" -


I've just heard Mike Mendoza on his radio show saying that he will help anyone who has had problems in the TRNC property market. Someone emailed him during his show and said they'd been conned in a property deal in TRNC and Mike said that he has prominent friends in TRNC that could help. He said that anyone who has experienced problems can email him with details of the problems and he'd bring the matter up with his prominent friends. He said he doesn't like to promote TRNC and then hear that people have had problems so he will do anything he can to help anyone who has a problem. I immediately thought to contact you to let you know of his offer of help. You can contact him through his website here or via personal email here

Good Luck,

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It was a pleasure to meet Mr Avci again

It was a pleasure to meet Mr Avci again. His English has come on a treat since last year when he could hardly speak one word. I read out extracts of our letter and attachments just in case if when I left he filed it in B for bin. But credit where credit is due, I’m pleased to say that he has read our letter and attachments. This he confirmed on Saturday evening to myself and Sue at the meal, which was actually great fun. It is this side of North Cyprus we wanted to be a small part of ..................

the belly dancing part

not the thieving part !!!!

To enjoy the company of your people Mr Avci (Mr Soyer if you’re reading this, President Talat too, or anyone from Turkey who can help us??)

Anyway, that is all sadly in the past for us now, and we have to move on to get our money back. After all, somebody somewhere has it don’t they?? But who????!!!!!!

You see, this is the way I feel about it. Nobody steals from me and my family or my friends. And to steal when people are grieving, ill or nearing retirement is low. It is unforgivable. I let Mr Avci and his Aides know who I blame for my predicament. This lot:

Mark Unwin for total misrepresentation.

Akan Gurkan for failing as our lawyer and being involved in the double-selling – I believe this to be the truth although he says he might sue me for saying this.

Talat Kursat for cancelling our contract for no reason, and the bitch who worked for him,

Deborah Jones, for lying out of her mangy face.

Tahir Soycan and the other one, Kutsal Kangaroo or whatever he’s called,


Gary Robb, all for being AGA Construction Directors and not giving a stuff about their customers.

And what’s so sad is that Akan Gurkan says it is also the TRNC Government’s fault.

Didn’t stand a chance did we?????!!

We’ll be chasing up Mr Avci because he promised to help. He promised last year and never got back. Let’s try again!!!

So many people, so desperate for our cash…vultures.

On this occasion I wish I hadn’t been so popular!!!!

Deeply hurt and angry with the lot of them.

Sandra x.x

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curtains really started twitching

We arrived at Bedford Square 11.00am and met up with Ahmet, his wife, Mahmood and quite a few others. There were a number of reporters milling about and we were informed that Mr Avci was inside the building. The TV crew arrived and went in.

Sandra and I decided to put our banner opposite the TRNC occupied building in full view of the TRNC office window – the curtains really started twitching – it was hilarious . It was also amazing how effective it looked especially as it was only a “Blue-Peter Sticky Back Plastic Effort” many people read it and asked us questions.

Soon (very soon) after displaying the banner, the TV crew re-appeared outside and we were at that time interviewed, Sandra was our spokesperson and she was translated to the TV presenter by Ahmet. To say Sandra was a natural in front of the camera was an understatement – talk about to the point ! We were then invited to choose one of us to go I and meet Mr Avci - seeing as Sandra was so good in front of the TV camera she was our obvious choice. (TV station should broadcast next Sat - )

Whilst she had disappeared inside the TRNC Office we were approached by many people asking for our story. One of these was Serhat İncirli of the Afrika Gazetsi. He was a real nice guy and showed genuine interest in our plight and has published our story – it can be found here:

But its in Turkish – we are assured however it has been written in the strongest of terms.

We handed out copies of what Sandra had taken into the office and handed to Mr Avci to the TV and press – this also can be seen in the earlier blog –it contains a letter and an incriminating email. There were a number of emails with the letter but this is the first one we will publish on this blog!AED4FE7679CA3C33!336.entry

Ahmet and the Turkish Cypriots then handed in a black wreath to be given to Mr Avci – it was left outside so Mahmood hung it on the door knob !!!!!!!!

Things did begin to heat up
but as in all good soaps

More from one of us later


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03 February
ABAG attend the TRNC Charity Dinner

ABAG and their Turkish Cypriot friends attended the Charity Dinner held at Papageno Restaurant in Covent Garden, London along with the Northern Cypriot Deputy Prime Minister Mr Avci.

ABAG feel that this weekend of high profile protests and talks with the TRNC Government officials have been immensely successful for both themselves and their Turkish Cypriot friends

More in depth reports from Pat, Sue & Sandra to follow later this week - but for now enjoy the photos:

We all sit together Tc's and Brits !

Mr Avci's arrival (and Ahmet !)

Mr Avci took time with everyone !

Sandra in deep conversation with Rasih Resat
A Government Advisor

They were then joined by
the guy in the middle, the TV presenter
who we were filmed
and interviewed
by outside the TRNC Offices
on the previous day


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02 February

To say that we have had a belly full of excuses in our fight for justice is an understatement. Enough is enough.

Yesterday we met with Mr Avci (Deputy PM and Foreign Minister) and his Aides. We also met Turkish Press and television. We let them know exactly how we feel at the treatment we have been given by some people in Northern Cyprus. We’re not alone in wanting justice in North Cyprus. Yesterday we stood side by side with our Turkish Cypriot friends who have also been treated appallingly by some of their own people and British criminals disguised as legitimate businessmen.

What none of us can understand is why a small group of greed obsessed individuals are allowed to get away with causing so much pain to so many people?? Somebody in power in Northern Cyprus must be able to do something to put things right – hopefully sooner rather than later.

The greed is so deep rooted and the problems arising from this are many. We can only highlight some of these issues, but they all stem from the fact that money can buy a free ride for criminals.

We presented Mr Avci with the documents below highlighting the corruption even within his own Government.


Mr Turgay Avci
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
Representative Office
29 Bedford Square
London WC1B 3ED

Friday 1 February 2008

Dear Mr Avci

Welcome to Britain.

We met last year when you visited London, and you promised to help us with our property problems. Unfortunately, we heard nothing from you. We are three British housewives who again ask for your help regarding this same situation which remains unchanged.

During 2003 and 2004 our families paid in total approximately £150,000 as per our AGA Construction Contracts to have homes built in your country. Due to the mismanagement of the development and funds, we will never take possession of our properties. One property double-sold, and two properties partly built on a subsiding ‘ledge’. This is not what we signed and paid for. We desperately require our money to be returned.

It has been inferred that the North Cypriot Government is involved in the failure of this Company, ie the misappropriation of monies paid by customers. We have attached some correspondence to this effect which has been shown to some of your Government Officials and persons on the Property Complaints panel. The allegation has never been disputed.

We have had enough of waiting and listening to excuses, and now ask that you act in helping us get back what belongs to our families. We look forward to hearing from you with a solution to our problem. Miss Serap Destegul, your London Diplomat, has our contact details.

Yours sincerely

Sandra Kocinski Susan Latchford Patricia Clarke

From: Akan Gürkan Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 6:12 PMTo: 'Serap Destegul'; Kocinski, SandraSubject: RE: JUDGMENTHi Serap, Thanks for your support. I insist that this judgment is posted on Amaranta and other sites and any transfers stopped until and unless the below come with a solid settlement plan to Mr. and Mrs Kocinski and acknowledge their claim very much like they have done for others: 1. Cafer Gurcafer (merely listed because of his key position)
2. Gary John Robb
3. Other directors of AGA I have seen that the judgments held by the business minded people and by the ones relying on political clout has been taken care of and the truth is that honest people that have taken a low key attitutude like Greg and Sandra are being disregarded. This disregard has been continuing since 2003 for Greg and Sandra. The government held onto 450k of GJR money in 2006. They actively prevented us from taking from this money and paying it to people like Greg and Sandra. They even put the money in private accounts of the staff working for the Director of Housing to prevent garnishee orders. Where did this money go? Why has most of the trade debt has been paid out of this. They had judments and they were the same as Greg's and Sandra's. Why does nobody ask about GJR's new cars? Proposing to pay a judgment or make a refund should not take this much after all if you are genuine.Sorry for the frustrated tone and remember that all correspondece is in private to you and to be read in your personal capacity.Best Regards,Akan

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