Monday, 11 February 2008

'these ladies will never give up or go away'

At last a peaceful weekend.

Back to the TRNC.AGA.BUYERS.BB. It appears that Gary sure knows how to wind his customers up. Where does that get him – apart from alienation from those 80 or so that have yet to sign the protocol/agreement. Surely these people account for the bulk of the PCM payments required to aid the financing of Amaranta Valley (not that it will be nearly enough to finish it – or so we have been told), telling people that those who do not sign either the “Letter Of Intent” of the “Refund bond” will have their contract cancelled serves no purpose other that Bullying.

Neither the Protocol/Agreement nor the Refund Certificate mentions the “double-sold” properties nor the properties that will not be built like ours – so what would we sign !!!!!!

We as ABAG appeared on GAK TV on Sat night/Sunday morning – it was the film of us taken at our protest last Friday and we have had a fabulous response of congratulations for this. All respect to Sandra though who spoke on our behalf off the cuff and from the heart – well done Sandra.

The two lawyers that appeared on the show said of the protocol

“Was not valid unless every buyer was included and signed up to it.”

The discussion that followed was that 'these ladies will never give up or go away'.

How right they are !
We will never give up or go away'
Until we have our solution.

Since there has been silence (as usual) we have re-written to Talat Kursat (the lawyer that allegedly has our £1000 from Unwins and who allegedly worked for us and AGA/Gary Robb at the same time) asking him who he has listed as our lawyer and copied the email to Unwins Estate Agents. We will write to them under separate cover

----- Original Message -----
Cc: ;
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2008 8:37 AM
Subject: Conflict Of Interests

Dear Mr Kursat

We are surprised that you have yet to respond to our email regarding your comment that you have details of that another lawyer was allocated to us by Unwin and not you. Therefore we put our question to you as to who our lawyer is - you have told us that you know - the lawyer that received £1000 from Unwins Estate Agents in June 2004.

We are going to chase this money and it would obviously be in your interest to help us find out, as at the moment the only person we are aware of that has the £1000 from Unwin is the lawyer that Unwin told us we had - yourself.


John Latchford

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 9:19 PM
Subject: Re: Conflict Of Interests

Mr Kursat

That is an interesting comment of yours that you have someone else recorded as our lawyer - who is this person, this person therefore must have received the £1000 that Unwin tells us he paid direct to you. We were told by Unwins that YOU were our lawyer. Are you now saying after all this time and having ignored our emails over the last 3 years that you DID NOT receive ANY MONEY on our behalf from Unwins to act as our lawyer. Who is out lawyer then - who received the £1000 then, because until now you have never denied receiving the monies. We even visited you in your office in May 2005 and spoke with you and Debbie Jones as regards this matter. At that point due to the conflict of interest we told you that we were moving our business to Gurkan and Gurkan and I am sure that Akan Gurkan will confirm this as we have the date that we engaged him and he was aware of the reasons why.

John Latchford

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 8:57 PM
Subject: Re: Conflict Of Interests

Mr. Latchford,
I do not have any record that I have ever acted for you. My records show that your Solicitor was someone else……………….etc

It sure will be interesting to see who got the £1000 if it wasn’t Talat Kursat. We know it was not Akan Gurkan because we didn’t engage him till May 2005 and during our first meeting he told us that in June 2004 he was not taking any further AGA clients because he had already got too many.

So who was the lawyer appointed
by Unwins
on our behalf for the £1000
paid to them
in the 1st payment of
£21832 on June 21st 2007

The PLOT Thickens – Who Is Lying (this time)
Someone Has Got £1000
Of Our Money


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