Sunday, 10 February 2008

To Gain Respect You Have To Earn It

To The Government of the TRNC

You Are Ignoring What Is Going On Under Your Nose’s - You Are Taking No Notice and it is Wrecking Your Country.

The Image of the TRNC is slowly becoming that of a Concrete Dustbin along with a Haven for those that have no where else to go for fear of Arrest in their own countries.

We are trying desperately to bring this to your attention as we can see what is happening from our outside view of things

To gain respect you first have to earn it.
Respect is not bought with stolen monies

Wake Up and Shake Up

or you will find that you have lost everything that you fought for in the past

Have A Good Sunday
More revelations Next Week


This piece
is truly written from the heart
is becoming FACT

Surrendered to Concrete

Destruction of the environment and cultural property

The green island “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC)’’ is being surrendered to concrete. The Annan plan was the reason for the construction boom because of the provision which gave priority to the developer regarding the property ownership if the value of buildings built on the plot exceeds the value of the plot developed.

Especially in the Kyrenia coast which is the tourism centre in occupied Cyprus, the way was paved for speedy construction without any plans by uprooting the olive trees and digging the hills away. In order for production building materials to be secured, Pentadaktylos, which is the island’s symbol, is being demolished by digging holes on it. All the roads are full with trucks that carry building materials and the island’s Kyrenia Coast has been transformed into a construction site. The “TRNC officials” confessed that they have not the power to stop this fast development and according to the “Environmental Organizations and Professional Chambers” the so-called “TRNC” is committing suicide.

In the same report, the self-styled Minister of Finance and Tourism Mr. Kemal Deniz noted that “many ugly constructions come about on the hills which extended from the Kyrenia Coast up to the mountains, which damaged both tourism and the environment”. He went on saying that a lot of buildings are being built in areas where there is no infrastructure. The electricity consumption reached in 2007 the level envisaged for 2015. The real estate taxes have been doubled. The environment is being damaged. The most beautiful olive groves have vanished. The underground sources have been polluted. I do not say not to make any constructions, but everything must be made according to a plan. There are thousands of villas and in front of everyone there is a swimming pool. How will these pools be filled with water while Cyprus is facing a water shortage?”

Ertan Oztek, the chairman of the “Chamber of City Planners,” stated, “Cyprus is loosing both its natural beauty and its market.” He went on warning, “From the infrastructure point of view heavy burdens are coming and these will be paid by the Cyprus people. The water problem has already started, electricity will not be sufficient. The development of the country was left to the hands of the developers and contractors. Unprecedented things are happening in Cyprus. Illegal floors and illegal buildings turn up now.” In order to be benefited from the advantages brought by the Annan Plan, more floors are added. Their aim is to increase the value of the construction more than the value of the plot.

Oral Andiz, chairman of the “Foundation of Environmental Protection”, pointed out that in order to get construction material, the Pentadaktylos mountain range has been destroyed by carving. “Soon the number of the fingers (of the mountain top) will not be five. There are 19 official stone quarries; by dynamiting them they have changed the bed of the underground water. In the past the villages could not be seen because of the trees, now they cannot be seen because of the constructions”.

Under the title “The North Cyprus Garbage Republic” columnist Metin Munir writes in the Turkish daily MILLIYET newspaper (23.10.06) that the occupied area of the Republic of Cyprus has been turned into an open garbage dumping place. In a very vivid manner he describes the filthy streets, public places etc. The building industry is the biggest industry on the island. I am sure Cyprus is way ahead of China in putting concrete on the ground. Kyrenia in 5-10 years time will develop in such a way that the whole of northern shores of the island will be included in Kyrenia. There will be no villages. They will rape all the shores. If they are not burned down before, all the forests will be garbage dumping places.

According to the Turkish Cypriot daily newspaper KIBRIS (27.10.06) a “decree” regarding the limitation of pollution and the uncontrolled construction boom in the Turkish occupied area of the Republic of Cyprus, has entered into force after its publication to the so-called “official gazette” of the occupation regime. Again, this “decree” should be seen as an attempt of the illegal regime to prove that it is taking all necessary measures for safeguarding the environment and the Greek Cypriot properties on the occupied areas.

Under the banner headline “We will shut down those who break the rules”, KIBRIS (27.10.06) reports that self-styled “environment and natural resources minister” Mr. Asim Vehbi visited yesterday stone quarries in the Turkish-held Pentadaktylos mountain range. Mr Vehbi warned quarry operators that the public is reacting very strongly to their work because it is destructive to the environment. He also said that at the moment, the “Ministry” cannot close them down.

The Author

Age: 32
Gender: Male
Astrological Sign: Libra
Zodiac Year: Rabbit
Location: Lexington : Kentucky : United States
09 February

----- Forwarded Message ----From: To: AGA BUYERS ACTION GROUP Sent: Saturday, 9 February, 2008 11:10:23 AMSubject: Garry Robb In Jail
This is a question for your blog. If Garry Robb is going to go back to the United Kingdom after all is finished at Amarantra Valley, and he will go to jail whilst he awaits trial even if he pleads not guilty because he already jumpoed the bail conditions. How will refunds be paid in installments while he awaits trial if he does not get bail ? And what if he is found guilty, how will we get our refunds ?

13:12 Add a comment Send a message Permalink View trackbacks (0) Blog it Travel
08 February

Bully Boys Tactics ????

Are they now resorting to Bully Boys Tactics ????

Talk about forging ahead with good
customer relations !!!!!!!!

From: rodpat2 (Original Message)
Sent: 08/02/2008 15:22
Dear all

Following meetings with Gary's lawyers, they have prepared the attached flow chart which shows the processes for the different scenarios relating to the protocol.

As you will see, this chart is both for those customers who have signed the protocol and those who have not.

It was felt that a flow chart was the easiest way to demonstrate the path each decision takes.

In addition, we referred to the posting on the BB about people taking joint legal action, their response was :

In Northern Cyprus this is not technically possible. Also they confirmed that individuals taking court action would be required to lodge substantial amounts of money in advance for court costs.

In fact, it is called "security for costs" and that is: If a claimant resides outside the TRNC the defendant has a right to ask for an amount of money (determined separately on each case) to be put into the court cashier's office for security of the expense. If the claimant does not succeed on the related case, it secures the expense of the case.

We were also asked to remind people that the final cut off date is 29th February 2008.

We were also asked to advise those people who do not sign either the Letter of Intent or the Request for Refund by that date will have their contracts cancelled.

Please note: If you wish to opt for a refund, you only need to sign the REQUEST FOR REFUND (attachment 2 of the protocol) by the cut-off date (if you have not already done so)
The bond and Termination agreement will be sent to you as soon as we reconcile the refund amount and do not require to be completed before that.

If you have any questions please direct them to or


Erm, don't the lawyers in the TRNC ever converse with each other ???

From: Akan Gürkan
Date: 29/10/2007 13:37:53
Subject: RE: TRNC LAW

Dear Mr.

According to our laws, and according to the UK, no written contract can be amended or varied without the written consent of the parties thereto. Who is in breach is immaterial.

Yours Sincerely,

Akan Gurkan
Gurkan & Gurkan

T: +90 392 8152719
F: +90 392 8155381
E: <>
W: <>

Or have the laws once again been changed to suit themselves ?????


14:26 Add a comment Send a message Permalink View trackbacks (0) Blog it Travel
a great Con Artist, Mr Robb


Why are people only finding out now that they are "Double Sold" on HZ Omer site, and Why Oh Why has no work commenced there, when it was promised weeks ago?????

Mr Robb/Aga Construction

I remember 2 Years ago your company were going to complete this Site, (I had rented a Bungalow and took pictures of your company as you tarmacked) and I waved to you and your then best friend Mr Glen Howie.

And wonder of wonders, no further works commenced, you're a great Con Artist, Mr Robb, I hope you don't Con Amaranta Buyers, or the people who seem to believe in you now!!

I for one will never believe in you again??

07:25 Add a comment Send a message Permalink View trackbacks (0) Blog it Travel
help if we didn't have to check the BB too

Message 6 in Discussion

The process states that the documents only have to be sent again if you have not already done so, or, if there is a discrepency.

We have your payments details.

As requested previously, we would appreciate if you could address any important questions direct to our email account. We do not have access to email at the site which means we have to do them in the morning before we go to the site or in the evening.

It would really help if we didn't have to check the BB too. We are more liable to miss important messages as there is so much other information to go through.

All the best

Its very re-assuring and heartwarming to know that those who are yet to decide as to which route they will take regarding the protocol, will be avidly listened to and read by those who are "speaking" for them in N Cyprus. They "those that speak on AGA victims behalf" apparently would really rather not have to take the time to look at the TRNC.AGA.BUYERS.BB (the one portal where all can raise points in public) and read what AGA Victims have to say - must have been mistaken, thought the BB was for ALL AGA Victms to ask open questions in public and receive in return open answers for all to see (answers are about as forthcoming as a Sunday Roasted Dodo though) - to make a decision a little easier???????

Must say though the message was removed soon after it was posted - maybe someone thought better of it


07:22 Add a comment Send a message Permalink View trackbacks (0) Blog it Travel

07 February
where did our money go

I’ve just been thinking back over the past few days, and how crazy it all is, going to London to protest !!

But you know, we met many Government people at Bedford Square, and not one of them has said they blame us for what we’re doing. They might not like it, but they don’t blame us. They said if they were in our shoes they’d probably do the same – or shout louder.

So why put us through this misery??

Why not just get the money back from whoever and wherever. Give it back to the people it belongs to or build those properties, and let’s just put the whole sad mess behind us.

Sounds so simple doesn’t it???!!

What bothers us is where did our money go, and what has our interest free loan been used for??

To be continued…

Sandra x.x

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No further forward

According to an HZ Omer resident they are no further forward in completing their site and to date no work is commencing. It was also noticed that the photos placed on the BB were purported to be of "some now covered trenches which were dug a year ago".
No works programme has been issued so all of the residents are “still in the dark – no pun intended”

There still has been no answers to any questions in relation to AMARANTA VALLEY and its drainage etc – or even site plans.

Why are the plans kept so secret from residents of the UK – after all its they who are expected to pay their instalments. ?

The latest “form” postings on the TRNC.AGA.BUYERS. Bulletin Board are that of the

Mutual Termination Agreement And The Refund Bond
Our barrister asks the following question

“Why has the contract got be relinquished BEFORE receiving ANY monies ? No UK Lawyer would advise signing any sort of “Form”, no matter what it’s name is – nor to cancel any contract before any monies/refund have been received – IT’S THE ONLY SAFEGUARD”

and he still feels that the person/persons drawing up these agreements have

“Limited Legal Knowledge”

Latest press release – “Extract"

However, he is calling on the British Government to release £1.5m which he claims was frozen when he tried to transfer the money from an account in Cyprus to one in Thailand.
Robb said the money was being moved only as a bridging loan to allow him to kick-start a development in Thailand and was to be returned to Cyprus to fund bungalow developments there.
Now he is saying he will return to Britain to face trial as soon as the Government releases his money.
Actually we as ABAG were told that the £1.5 million will be released if Mr Robb would like to personally collect it –

Stalemate ???????

14:55 Add a comment Send a message Permalink View trackbacks (0) Blog it
contacted by some pretty important people

We have been contacted by some pretty important people since the weekend, one is none other that the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of Cleveland Police. A Detective Chief Superintendent no less, whom we chatted with for quite a while and swopped details with and all we want is justice for us !

It has been suggested that we also contact the Turkish Military Attaché in Belgrave Square London and hand them our complete dossier (featuring many different names and evidence which appears to be requested from people on a daily basis). We will be contacting them later today.

Our complete dossier is so heavy that it has to be either delivered or collected, the postage charges when we enquired are phenomenal. No way did we realise just how much stuff we have aquired in just 10 months !

In March we will be attending the Excel Centre, London for the Property Show - it appears from the emails that we get there will quite a few joining us - British and Turkish Cypriots alike. It's been fun in the past


If you need tickets (they are free) here is the link

More from us Later Today

07:59 Add a comment Send a message Permalink View trackbacks (0) Blog it
taking the dregs of humanity

Hi Everyone,

Today, I want to try to write about the difference between a House and a Home, I bought in the TRNC to try to provide a home for my Children and Grandchildren, a home different from their UK home, and a home I and my family could enjoy, it wasn't an "Investment" or anything I could make a "Profit" from, just somewhere I could spend most of my retirement, and my Children and Grandchildren could come to see me, spend time, and enjoy the beautiful Mountains and the Sea, with the Turkish Cypriot people I have so much respect for,

unfortunately it didn't turn out that way !!

Scammed by British People


"Aga Construction"

etc etc............

and yes, I know there are

a lot of Turkish Cypriot's
cow towing to these

Why?? Oh Why???
do the TRNC Government

let these criminals into their beautiful country,

you don't need these "people"
(am trying to be nice) !!!!

The TRNC Government must look after their own first and formost, and honest Immigrants secondly, who only want to intergrate into your community, like so many Turkish Cypriots have into the UK, it's a two way thing, for goodness sake don't continue taking the dregs of humanity who have nowhere else in the world to go, your Country is worth more than that!!!!!

07:24 Add a comment Send a message Permalink View trackbacks (0) Blog it Travel

1 comment:

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